Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Autocad Lt 2005 Safecastkg AutoCAD Drawings Cant Be Open! Help!?

AutoCAD drawings cant be open! Help!? - autocad lt 2005 safecastkg

I have about a month a project to complete on my laptop and now I can not open it! omg help me! I was leading with AutoCAD 2006 through to the end n then I have deleted the program (but not files), then I have installed AutoCAD LT 2005 to sing, and all open files. He says: "The file is invalid."
What's wrong with that? HELP!
I at 30 this month to present .. T_T helpppp


Jim Maryland said...

Sounds like AutoCAD 2006 some of the properties of the file is created, you can from an earlier version of the software are recognized. You have access to another installation of AutoCAD 2006 or higher? I can not imagine the likelihood that your school.

If the file in DXF or DWG (sorry, I'm only partially familiar with AutoCAD regard to mapping projects, so I've only worked with these types of AutoCAD files)? You can run programs that can convert between different file formats, and brought in a format that can be used with the old format of AutoCAD. It may occur even if the file is damaged in any way the conversion utility for the grace of mistakes and be responsible for at least the majority, to restore the file for you.

Oh, I hope you learned a valuable lesson to always multiple copies of an important task in several places (different systems possible, but certainly not) on a single disk. I had enough friends lose their important files in the past finding a good backupand could save the strategy of version control, many headaches.

xswise1 said...

More than likely that you will not be in version 2006, and since you have the 2005 version does not open. Try using a 2006-version, open, and that can help.

Icepick said...

Down load this program DWG gateway that lets you open an AutoCAD drawing and save to a version of DWG can.

And the best is free!


Icepick said...

Down load this program DWG gateway that lets you open an AutoCAD drawing and save to a version of DWG can.

And the best is free!


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