Thursday, February 4, 2010

Anxiety Chest Pain More Condition_symptoms Anxiety Chest Pain And So On?

Anxiety chest pain and so on? - anxiety chest pain more condition_symptoms

I am looking for someone with similar problems .. He was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and Anxiety.c ... I have pain in my chest, I'm biased, with ear infections are not swollen nose, with so nasonex. I told the doctor before my second child, I was prescribed Zantac) 150, and again (not the same doctor, but here, the only thing that ever .... of Gerd I began to examine my anxiety medicine, but only to give me a panic attack when I'm worried something, such as chest pain or pressure .... My chest pain is no longer the heavy, like a little pain I pop Rolaids and Zantac every day and it sometimes seems to help, but not really ... You may have pain in the chest, but not in an attack with it .... HELP


Anonymous said...

Achelle Hello, welcome (in my world at least that was the case). I suffered from severe anxiety and panic for over 20 years, but now have virtually eliminated my whole life long.

First up I think I had a physical control is made compulsory, and confirmed that no heart problems. If it just helps your mind, chest pain associated with heart problems, like an elephant sitting on his chest, you do not mention the extreme pressure unbearable for you to be sure that the pain is only superficial.

It is not necessary that there is a blown experience panic attack symptoms of anxiety. Chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety through a series of accountability that we have caused anxiety.

It could be chronic overbeathing (hyperventilation), which uses the chest muscles to breathe, instead of the diaphragm and the pain of this can be very frightening and disturbing. If you have anything available to you, to a therapist, who see promise in breathing retraining, largely completed deals, which I do!

I also have the rib-chondritesh is high time to time and is an inflammation of the chest, ribs and cartilage feel very strange, almost as if someone stuck a needle in his chest and pulling.

Somethings you can do:

To avoid this, try to relax every day for a walk - nothing major, just a short walk back to the neighborhood or the store and back. This will release endorphins, a natural analgesic and reduce dependency on prescription drugs.

When this happens, try to stop, drop and flop approach, I'll bet anything that if it happens when you establish an end and whether the abdomen and chest, or tight in prison if found, then that the muscle spasms and pain it causes.

So, stop - stop, breathe what do you do first, then some slow deep breathing exercises. After a fall and not - Quit all your muscles, you can configure, and disable the anti-gravity, sink into the bed or sofa, if you can not stop, sit and put your arms Tension deliberately stop .

They speak of GERD, it is in humans often suffer from anxiety disorders and can cause pain in the chest, back and jaw, unfortunately, like heart problems, of course, makes more fear ....

Feel free to contact me if you need moral support or need to talk!

Good luck!

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